COVID-19 exploited 'every gap' in Minnesota's health and medical care

COVID-19 exploited ‘every gap’ in Minnesota’s health and medical care

Jan Malcolm hasn’t been afraid to be the heavyweight during the pandemic – urging people for months to reduce the risk of COVID-19 through the wearing of masks, social distancing and vaccinations. Not much has changed for her in retirement. The former Minnesota health commissioner will deliver one of her first public addresses since stepping

Easy enrollment can close the healthcare gap for Latinos and the nation as a whole

Easy enrollment can close the healthcare gap for Latinos and the nation as a whole

Even for those of us with health insurance, navigating and understanding your coverage can be an overwhelming and difficult process, with many documents requiring hours to sort through. For many people who do not purchase work health insurance, the confusion and complexity arises at an early stage when trying to purchase coverage. Signing up for