TEX stock news

Xponance Inc. Increases Stake in Planet Fitness: A Strategic Investment Testimonial

The world of finance and investing can be a confusing and overwhelming place, with high stakes and bustling activity at every turn. Yet despite the complexity that permeates this realm, there are those who excel at navigating its terrain with insight and cunning. One such entity is Xponance Inc., a proven financial company with its

Strs Ohio makes new investment in Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE: PLNT)

Strs Ohio bought a new stock position in Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE: PLNT – Get Rating) during the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The institutional investor purchased 320,000 shares of the company, valued at approximately $25,216,000. Strs Ohio held 0.36% of